4 Ways to Start Healing from Within

Your body is always supporting you.  It so incredibly intelligent and it does so much for you, asking nothing in return.  Even though we live busy, intense and physically and emotionally toxic lives, our body still wants to heal.  It's up to us to get out of the way and let it do what it needs to do.  

Let's take a look at 4 simple ways to begin healing from within.

Heal While You Sleep

Sleep is the time that your body heals itself. While you sleep your organs rest and regenerate, wastes are metabolized and emotions are processed. Your body knows what to do, but when you go to bed late, you lose out on precious healing time.  Ayurveda teaches that going to bed around 10pm to get the most out of this transformative, healing time.  Between 10-2 is PITTA time.  
In Ayurveda, Pitta Dosha is made of the fire and water elements.  Fire is responsible for digestion and transformation.  If you wait to go to bed, you might find that you get a sudden second wind during this time and can have a harder time falling asleep after.
To support you in getting a good night’s sleep, try diffusing lavender and cedarwood essential oils, do a self-massage on your feet to give yourself a little self-love before going to sleep.  Stay off devices for at least an hour before bed, try to go to bed around the same time every night, journal and recapitulate your day or brain dump your thoughts without attachment or emotion.  As you go to sleep, breathe deeply, in and out.  Sink into your mattress.  Feel every part of you sinking deeper and deeper as you breathe.  Expect a deep, soothing sleep to follow.
Heal While You Go Within (Meditate)
When you meditate you connect with the deeper part of you that is connected to all things, a greater consciousness.  You connect to your subtle body, which is exactly how it sounds, more subtle than the physical body.  Meditation is where you practice just being.  It’s turning inward. It allows you to centre yourself and regroup your thoughts.
It has been said that when you pray, you are speaking to God, but when you meditate, you are listening to God.  
Now you can call that Universe, Source, whatever suits your choices, but you get the idea. It means that you are connecting to the part of you that holds the truths, the answers, the peace, the grace and limitless possibilities.  Meditation is often mistaken for “clearing your mind” or “pausing the thoughts in your head”, but that is not it at all.  It is about being aware of your thoughts without attachment. Just letting them go by.  Bringing your focus back to your breath, and image or a mantra, for example. 
Deepak Chopra says, “Meditation is not about forcing your mind to be quiet, it’s about finding the silence that is already there”.
Meditation can bring:

  • Relief from depression
  • Lowered blood pressure 
  • Stress relief
  • Helps you regain your inner calm and equilibrium
  • Improved digestion
  • Improved memory
  • Improved interpersonal relationships
  • Reduced anxiety
  • And overall healing to your body systems because you are turning down the stress response, which most people are currently always in.
Heal With Mother Nature
We often think of the environment as something outside of ourselves, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.  In Ayurveda, the environment is considered your extended body.  Part of the physical body.  This is why when we align ourselves with the rhythms of nature, we naturally come back into balance.  
The elements found in nature are what makes up the entire universe including you.  For example, the sun in the environment is the element of fire which in your body shows up as your digestive fire (the Sanskrit term for this is Agni) and it is responsible for transformation of everything we take in through our 5 senses.  
When you want to heal, you can replenish your mind, body and spirit by connecting with nature.  If you simply visit a natural area and walk in a relaxed way, you begin to calm & restore yourself, and feel rejuvenated.  Forest Bathing is an example of this.  Forest bathing is basically taking in the forest atmosphere.
  • Improved focus
  • Mood boost
  • Improved intuition
  • A sense of overall well-being
  • Stress reduction
  • Immune boost
  • Lower risk of disease
 They say to let hug a tree, but rather try letting the tree hug you.  Lean against the tree and feel the connection.  If it’s not winter where you are, stand barefoot on the grass, in the sand, in the water.  If it is winter, go out and breathe the crisp winter air.  Listen to the crunch as you step with your boots into the snow.  Observe the brightness of the environment.  Just spend time in awareness.

Even if you can’t get to a forest or getting outside is tricky, you can have plants in your home, spend time sitting near a window and feeling the sun, even looking at a desk fountain and listening to the sounds of nature or looking at a picture of nature and imagining the smells and the feelings.  If you have essential oils, grab a tree oil of any kind like pine or northern lights black spruce, my fave, and place a drop in your hands, rub your hands together and cup over your mouth and. Breathe in and breathe out.  
Heal While You Play
You need to make room for fun in your life.  To do things you love, laugh, have relationships, and interact with others.  This allows you to experience new things, grow, receive from others, give, explore and extract emotional nourishment.  
It allows you to feel good, despite any circumstances you might be facing which makes room for a new perspective or solutions.  It allows you to literally lighten up on your journey of enlightenment.

Be well,
Tina xo

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