The REAL Reason You Are So Tired
I want to offer a new perspective on one of THE MOST common phrases we all hear and say almost on the daily.
Is there more to it than just lack of sleep or improper diet?  What about those who eat right, exercise and sleep okay and are otherwise healthy, but something still isn’t right.  I’m not talking about those with a sleep disorder or underlying health issue, just the majority of humans who feel “exhausted” most of the time.  
When you say you feel so tired, what do you actually mean?  I can assume you have “low energy”.  What if rather than just feeling physically low in energy, you considered “low frequency energy”.  Yes, that’s right.  How you feel emotionally can directly affect your physical state.  Most people think, I’m cranky because I’m tired.  What if you feel tired, because you are cranky?
How you feel emotionally is always a reflection of the thoughts you keep thinking.  If you are thinking a lot of negative (low frequency) thoughts, you will feel the negative emotions.  If you are focused on problems, or something that you want, but don’t have, you experience lack and negative emotion.  

The same is true on the positive side.  If you are thinking about all the things you appreciate about your life, you will feel the positive emotion.  You will feel more excited and energized. 
If you focus on all that you appreciate, the possibilities out there, good people around you, it would be pretty hard to not feel invigorated.
So, what to do if you are feeling “low vibe”?
First check out the Emotional Guidance Scale to assess the current emotions you're feeling here.  From there you can see what the next best feeling emotion would be so that you can actually recognize when you are moving up the scale and are feeling better energetically.

The following are a few quick ideas to start raising your energy.
  • Think of someone you care about.  When you focus on someone who is easy to love, you open up your heart and start to feel a shift toward happiness.
  • Meditate.  Meditation will keep you from focusing on the past or future and centre you in the present moment.  It can also calm your anxiety and has so many other health benefits that collectively raise your vibe.
  • Watch an uplifting show or listen to music that makes you happy.  The way we consume content can really affect our mood, good or bad.  Take control of what you allow into your head and start to notice how you feel in your body when you are watching something, listening to a song or scrolling on Instagram.
  • Assess your friend circle.  You need to guard your relationships because spending time with low-vibe, negative people can only bring more of that in your life.  If your friends are uplifting and encouraging this will add to the collective mood, raise your vibe and add to the quality of your life.
  • Connect with Mother Nature Nature is deeply healing and can really invigorate you and your spirit.  Get outside even for a few minutes a day.
  • Breathe in or diffuse high quality essential oils - citrus oils always help to bring on a happy heart.
Sending you nothing but high vibes,
Tina xo

What are some of the ways you raise your vibration and get to a better feeling mood?  Let us know in the comments.
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